I decided to start with something SUPER simple. Pink nails, with a silver glitter accent nail. Here's the original image, which I found on Pinterest.
Simple enough, right??
I don't think that it went too badly, if I do say so myself. I used a different color pink, but that's kind of irrelevant. I used Muchi Muchi by Essie for the pink, and the silver is a polish that my sister got from Icing. (I'm dreading having to take off the glitter polish, but that's irrelevant.)
I don't think that I'd keep my nails like this too often, just because I keep seeing the shiny silver out of the corner of my eye, and it keeps distracting me so I'm going slightly crazy. Otherwise, I like it! It would be fun for a special occasion, maybe with a black dress.
Side note: TAKING PHOTOS OF YOUR NAILS IS HARD, GUYS. For some strange reason I really hate my hands, so having to take a photo of them is extremely annoying. I can't figure out a "pose" that doesn't look super awkward and dumb. CAN ANYBODY HELP ME WITH THIS?? I MIGHT LOSE MY MIND.
So what do y'all think? Do you like this style? Any tips for photo-taking?