I know, I know. You saw "NaNo" in the title of this post, and a tiny bit of your soul died as you sighed and reluctantly clicked on the thirtieth NaNo post you've seen today. I understand. But I keep getting asked if I'm participating in NaNo, and I'm kind of low on creativity right now, so you're getting yet another post about this crazy writing event in your blogger feed. I apologize.
If you've somehow managed to get halfway through October and still have no idea what on earth this crazy NaNoRiMuWhatever thing everyone keeps ranting about is, you can find full information here. For those of you who don't feel like clicking the link and reading, in the simplest of terms, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, and takes place each November. Writers all across the world spend November attempting to write 50,000 words, to "win" NaNo.
Make sense?
I've gone back and forth many, many times over whether or not to participate in NaNo. Y'all know that I love writing, and heaven knows I need all the motivation that I can get. But 50k words? THAT'S A LOT!! I've never written that much in a month before. And considering the fact that I don't have a ton of time, it's quite a daunting task. Honestly, I would probably have more mental breakdowns than I can count trying to write 50k. So, the short answer is, no, I'm not doing NaNo.
Like I said, I really WANT to be able to participate. But I know my limits, and I know that I honestly cannot write that much in a month, especially not this November. I simply have too much going on, and for the sake of my sanity and the poor people around me, I am not going to attempt to write fifty thousand words this November. I AM, however, doing a NaNo, of sorts.
I've decided that instead of pushing myself to lose my mind and reach a word count that is almost impossible for me personally, I am setting a smaller, more attainable goal. After all, the true reason for doing NaNo is to get your novel written, right? So I've decided that I'm going to continue working on my current WIP, and I am going to try to write 25,000 words instead. I feel like that's a really good goal- I'll be pushing myself, but it isn't unattainable. And honestly, even if I don't reach that goal, I'll be okay with it. I just want to get closer to finishing my first draft of this novel. I would love to have the first draft complete by the end of the year, and I think that this will help me get there.
And I mean, if you really map it out, 25k shouldn't be too difficult to achieve. If you map it out, it's only 833 words per day. That's attainable, right?
![]() |
There's so much fearrrrrrrrr |
Nope, no stress here. We are going to be completely positive as we obsessively make to-do list after to-do list as a coping mechanism when we really should be writing. It's fine, it's fine.
So, between now and November 1st, I'm going to be attempting to plan out the rest of my novel. I have a basic outline, but I really am a plotter to the core, and I know that I'll be able to write more if I have a solid plan in place. The writing OCD is real, guys. And as all OCD writers do, I've made a list of things to do in preparation for NaNo.
- Learn to love coffee because caffeine is a necessity.
- Buy my weight in sticky notes.
- Channel my inner Katie Grace because if she can write 20k in a day then I can write 25k in a month goshdarnit.
- Print out my entire Pinterest board. I'm probably going to have to ban myself from Pinterest in November. It may be the only way.
- Follow lots of other NaNo people on Twitter so that we can all commiserate together when we should be writing.
- Pre-write blog posts because I don't trust myself to keep up.
- Adopt twenty kittens to comfort me.
- Pray.
All halfway sarcastic kidding aside, I'm really excited. Terrified...but excited. For those of y'all who are doing NaNo as well, I'd love to do a word war or something sometime! I can't wait to see how this goes-it should be fun.
So... are you doing NaNo? Any tips for a NaNo newbie like myself? (because heaven knows I need some!) WILL YOU BE SURVIVING ON A DIET OF SOLELY CHOCOLATE AND COFFEE? That's my plan. It should work, right?
Your NaNo prep list is perfect- and exactly what I need to be doing (well, minus the kitten part. I'm allergic to cats) xD
ReplyDeleteHaha, thank you!! And oh my goodness, you're allergic to cats????????? 0.0 I have never heard a sadder statement.
DeleteSo glad you're giving it a go!! My first time doing NaNo, I dd the Young Writers Program, which is NaNoWriMo, only you can chose your goal. Because 50K IS a lot! So that's my little suggestion for you x)
ReplyDeleteGOOD LUCK MY DEAR!! And I'm not doing it this year, but I'd still be up for a word war, because I literally have no motivation to work on my WIP right now, and a word war would probably help that x)
That's pretty much what I'm doing! I'm just not using the website because I know I'll get distracted haha.
DeleteTHANK YOU!!! I think that I'm going to need all the luck I can get. x) I may have to hit you up for a word war!!!
That sounds like a great goal! Don't stress it. My first year doing NaNo I had been averaging 20K a year, then suddenly I was trying to write 50K in a month. It actually wasn't nearly as stressful as everyone made it out to be. Just a lot more actually sitting down and writing instead of reading awesome how-to guides about NaNo. ;D I hope you have an awesome time writing.
ReplyDeleteAnd I just wanted to let you know, I love your blog. It has been an inspiration to me. Your writing style is amazing.
My plan is to totally shut off my internet while I'm writing- hopefully that will help me avoid reading tons and tons of NaNo guides during writing time!
DeleteOh my goodness, thank you so much, Mikayla!! That truly means so much to me. ♥
Yeah, I'm having to resort to writing on a device that doesn't have internet because I get distracted way to easily. ;P
DeleteI'm currently freaking out just a bit because NaNo is tomorrow.
Haha, it really is the best option sometimes. XD
DeleteWE CAN DO THIS!!!!
wHOOOO GO GRACE. SO stoked that you decided to go for it -- 25k is still nothing to sneeze at. (nothing to sneeze at. what even is that phrase. WHAT DOES IT EVEN MEAN. I'm already confused by words and it's not even NaNo. #help)
You got this, girl. I BELIEVE IN YOU. <3 <3 <3
// katie grace
a writer's faith
also your lil' shoutout made me the happiest. XD
DeleteEEP THANK YOU! I'm so excited. Like wow I had no idea I would love it so much. XD
YOU make me the happiest ♥
Oh deary dear. I had never heard about this until I read your post. But then again I am not really that much of a writer. I complain when I have to write a 2500 word essay so I can imagine what 50,000 words must feel like. I think your goal is very attainable and if you put your heart into it and be super organised then I'm sure you can deffo get there. You can do this. Keep going.
ReplyDeleteLots of love,
It's actually a lot less stressful than I thought it would be! I'm enjoying it. :) Thank you for the encouragement, Joanny!!
DeleteI'm going to attempt to do NaNo this year, and those prep steps are awesome! Yes, I am hoping to live on coffee and chocolate too! :P
ReplyDeleteI also think I might write a NaNo post, so we'll be late with the rest of the blogger world together. Lol, I'm just kidding!
With love and all joy,
Allie D.
I hope that NaNo goes great for you, Allie!
DeleteASDFGHJKL I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU GIRL!! *high fives* good for you. Unfortunately I don't have any tips because I'M A TOTAL NEWBIE TOO OMG. I've never written 50k in a month either and so yes I am also quite stressed/terrified/looking forward to it?? LOLOLOL MIXED EMOTIONS I SUPPOSE.
ReplyDeleteCoffee and chocolate sounds like a fabulous plan for survival. (Also your whole NaNo prep plan had me laughing it'S BRILLIANT OK) also wow the Pinterest struggle is going to be so real. IDK HOW I WILL SURVIVE IT. :''') maybe shut off my internet while I'm writing?? OH WAIT MY COMPUTER ALREADY DOES THAT ON ITS OWN. (#Windows10 yayyyyy.) I'm also probably going to have to prewrite some blog posts. THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME OF THAT. this is going to be an epic adventure though. *flails loudly and gives you waffles*
SO MANY MIXED EMOTIONS!!!!! Like wow the excitement and the fear are so real rn.
DeleteBAHAHAHA I AM SO GLAD THAT YOU ENJOYED IT!! XD Surprisingly I haven't had to force myself away from Pinterest yet? I'm getting so darn engrossed in writing it's crazy. Ahhhh THAT IS HORRIFYING. I'm crying inside for you. WE SHALL ROCK THIS ADVENTURE! ♥♥♥
<<<< adopts 20 kittens to comfort me >>>>
ReplyDeleteme: *laughs so hard that i cannot stop*
I've got 4 kittens you can have - we named them yesterday. Bingley is the childish, playful one, Darcy, the dark and serious, Lizzy is the fluffy kitten who is rather prissy, and Jane, the sweet one who will gently paw your hand when you touch her. They're all so delightful ;)
THE THOUGHT OF NANO IS KILLING ME. MAYBE I CANT DO THIS. btw I'm aiming for 30K myself..so I am "cheating" as well. hahaa! Whatever tho, writing is writing. And if I do complete 30k, it will bring my novel up to 75k. THATS A FULL FLEDGED NOVEL!!!!!!!!111
*gasp* CAN I PLEASE HAVE A KITTEN??????????? I will give you endless waffles. Goodness I want a kitten. :')
DeleteHey, as long as we get words down, I think that we've succeeded. WE SHALL CONQUER THIS!!!
Grace Anne wrote....the other 51!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJK you're gonna go insane
I'm looking forward to it, personally :P
Deletei want to write the other 51. that would make me hamilton. can i plz be hamilton.
Hey, I haven't gone nuts yet. Sorry to disappoint;)
ReplyDeleteI really want to try NaNo but I just can't....too much time when I have other things to do. Not that I don't want to, its just a busy month. You way ahead of me though, I have no idea what I would write or how to start plotting or anything! I will eventually get there, but just. not. now XD But you go girl! I'm so excited to hear about your experience!<3
I can't blame you- I was really hesitant going in. But I'm actually really enjoying it! Maybe you'll get to try it another year. :) Thank you so much for your encouragement, Clara! You're the best ♥
DeleteI just found your blog and I must say, I love it!! Your pictures are so lovely! :D Also, I can so relate to this. What you're planning to do for NaNo is exactly what I want to do. I'm just going to work extra hard this November on writing my novel instead of stressing myself over writing 50k words.
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, thank you so much, Shelby! I really appreciate that so much, wow. ♥
DeleteI hope that you make a ton of progress on your novel this month!! You'll have to let me know how it goes:) ♥
ReplyDeleteYou can do it, Grace Anne. I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!!!1
LIKE how is it already so close ACK
I'm so not ready
WHATS YOUR NOVEL ABOUT?! (If you don't mind me asking)
And have you heard of the young writers program where you can set a goal that's less than 50k and still be in NaNo? It should be on their website
we all need Katie grace power
DeleteI like to refer to it as a murder mystery...that's not a murder mystery. ;) It's kind of hard to explain!
I have! I decided I would probably get too distracted using a website, haha. XD
Yes. We all want to be Katie Grace.
EEEP YOU CAN DO IT!! I'm really excited to try for my smaller goal too...HOPEFULLY I DO IT!!
ReplyDeleteHaha, and your NaNo prep list is legit ;)
DeleteWhy thank you ;)
Good luck on nano! I've never done it before, but it sounds like such a fun (but tiring) experience!
ReplyDeleteThank you!! It definitely is:)
Deleteokay I think the thing about this post for me was the title. and this is coming from the guy who's done 2 NaNo posts in the last like week. XP I'M ALSO A NANO NEWBIE THOUGH
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I thought the title was very appropriate. XD
AH I'M SO EXCITED FOR NANO! I love these types of posts actually, it shows me that I'm not the only one that is completely freaked out about it.
ReplyDeleteI think I spend too much time online reading Nanowrimo posts, because I keep on assuming everyone understands what I'm talking about. Haha just another symptom that I spend my life online.
YAY! I was worried people were going to be like ew NaNo post go away. XD (Actually I casually got unfollowed but it's totally fine.)
Deleteyeahhhhhhhh so do I. It's probably not good. xD